Alex Jardine
Alex has always been destined to spend his time fly fishing, with his immersion into the aquatic world starting almost from birth thanks to his father Charles who has forged a career from the pursuit of trout and grayling. Since those early years Alex has gone on to represent England at home international and world levels of competition, before exploring a passion to travel with a fly rod.
From travelling around New Zealand with a couple of friends, a backpack, a gas stove and a fishing rod in 2008, Alex continues to travel in search of new adventures both at home and abroad. These adventures have seen him encounter fish both in freshwater and saltwater on six of the World’s seven continents. Alex utilises the knowledge that he has gained to teach others to fish at home and also leads hosted trips to foreign destinations.
Whether trekking on horseback in outer Mongolia or racing through mangrove lagoons of the Caribbean or bouldering over the babbling streams of the UK, Alex is always happy in the pursuit of fish.